Formerly of
Hermitage Brewing Company
San Jose, California
- Complete 25 BBL Brew System
- Stainless Fermentation & Brite Tanks
- GEA GSC-60-077 Centrifuge (new 2015)
- Aged White Oak Standard Tanks
COVID-19 Update
Out of caution for the health and safety of our staff and clients, and to prevent the spread of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and all subsequent variants, inspections and removal of items after the sale will be by appointment only.

9 Images in this Gallery
25 BBL Brewhouse
- JVNW 25BBL 3 Vessel Brewhouse, consisting of 25BBL Mash Tun, 25BBL Jacketed Kettle, 25BBL Whirlpool, plus Thermaline Plate Heat Exchanger, Centrifugal Pump Sets, Stainless Hop Back Tank & Pipework
- Engl Malteurop Grist Mill, feeding JVNW 20 BBL Stainless Cone Bottom Grist Hopper on Load Cells, fed by Flexicon Auger Screw Conveyor from Grist Mill
- (2) JVNW 70BBL Stainless Hot and Cold Liquor Tanks; JVNW 15 BBL Stainless Tank; plus Netzsch 10 hp. Progressive Cavity Pump with Spent Hopper
- Rita Low Pressure Steam Boiler (new in 2014) 15 psi with Deareator Tank, Water Softener & Carbon Filter Tanks, plus Applied Membranes Reverse Osmosis Filter System
9 Images in this Gallery
Fermentation and Brite Tanks
- 4) JVNW 100 BBL Stainless Fermentation tanks, 45 deg cone bottom
- (5) JVNW 50 BBL Stainless Fermentation tanks, 45 deg cone bottom
- (4) JVNW 50 BBL to 125 BBL Stainless Jacketed Brite tank,
- (4) JVNW 25 BBL Stainless Jacketed Brite Tanks (new 2018)
- (14) Pub Brewing Co. 25BBL Stainless Fermentation & Brite Tanks
- (2) Foeder 30 BBL Aged White Oak Standard Tanks
9 Images in this Gallery
Brewery Support Equipment
- GEA Model GSC 60-06-077 Centrifuge, AB Touch Control (new 2015)
- 3-Tank CIP System with Hot Water, Caustic & Rinse Tanks, & Pump Sets
- S Foggia Tech 8 sq. meter Horizontal DE Filter Skid with Dry Cake Discharge
- All Stainless Pad Filter, with approximately (70) 16″ wide stainless plates
- Mobile Waukesha Portable Positive Pumps; Inoxpa RF 10/40 flexible pump set
- SCAFCO Grain Silo, 10′ Diameter, with Flexicon incline conveyor to Brewhouse
7 Photos in this Gallery
Mobile & General Plant Equipment
- Toyota 7FBCU25 Electric Sit-Down Forklift, 3400 lb. cap., with Charger
- (2) Hyster E50XL-33 & E45XM Electric Forklifts, 2,900 lb. cap., with chargers
- Tandem Axle Brew Fest Promotional Trailer set up for 8 Kegs with Taps
- Tennant and Mini-Mag Floor Scrubber, plus Material Handling Equipment
- Chicago Pneumatic QRS 15 & QRS 7.5 Tank Mounted Rotary Air compressors
- Parker 345 lbs./hr. steam boiler; plus (2) G&D Single & Double Chillers, 7 & 15 hp
11 Images in Gallery
- 2) Eppendorf Model 5702 & 5415 C Centrifuges
- 2) Leica Microstar IV and Nikon YS2-T Microscopes with 4 Objectives
- Tuttnauer Brinkman Model 2540E Autoclave
- Thermo Steri-Cycle CO2 Incubator
- NAPCO 6300 Dual Chamber CO2 Incubator
- Bio Rad DNA Engine Themal Cycler and 3000Xi Electrophoresis Power Supply
- 2) Air Clean 600 PCR Workstations
- Thermo Scientific 280 Series Water Bath, Lab Companion SK-600 Shaker Table, KozyVacu TA350 Vacuum pump, Stainless Work Tables, Pipettes, Glassware etc.
10 Image in Gallery
Maintenance Shop
- Bridgeport Series 1 2hp vertical milling machine, power cross feed, Topaz DRO
- Goodway model GW-1640 tool room lathe, with tooling
- Rockwell model 20 drill press
- Acra model KV-50 vertical band saw
- Haberle model H350 cold saw
- Dake model 5-075 Elec-draulic I press
- Jet model SBR-30N, 20 ga. combination shear, brake and roll
- Whitney Jensen model 29 kick press
- Pexto 30″ & 42” foot shears
- Plus: machine vises, lathe tooling, rotary mill tables, table saws, grinders, sanders etc.
General Information
Equipment Location:
1627 S 7th Street, San Jose, CA 95112
Auction Date and Time:
Lots start closing on Tues, Aug 9th at 10:00 AM PT
General Auction Inquiries contact:
Keith Rottman • 415.248.2007 • keith.rottman@rabin.com
Auction Info and Inspection contact:
HaZel Tria • 415.248.2014 • hazel.tria@rabin.com
Equipment Info contact:
Ronnie Angeles • 415.999.0863 • ronnie.angeles@rabin.com
Inspection and Removal by appointment only. All Invoices must be paid by Thu, Aug 11, 2022.
Carry out items must be removed by Fri, Aug 12, 2022. All items by Fri, Aug 26, 2022
Golden Bear Services
Robert Barkhorder - robert@goldenbearservices.com
Cell: 949.279.6010