Surplus to the Continuing Operations of:
Chalet Desserts, Inc.
2701 Land Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95815
Auction in conjunction with our Yummy Foods sale.
COVID-19 Update
Out of an abundance of caution for the health and safety of our staff and clients, and to prevent the spread of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the Delta Variant, inspections and removal of items after the sale will be by appointment only. We are closely monitoring the directives regarding these restrictions and following guidelines from the local health departments.

2 Images in this Gallery
Meat Processing
- (2019) Vemag Riser Model BC237 “Ball Control” Meatball Former
- (2019) Eagle Bakery Equipment Meatball Rounder
6 Images in this Gallery
Chocolate Equipment
- Savage Bros. Model 0934-40 50 lbs. Stainless Chocolate Melter
- (3) Asst. Chocolate Melters, approx. 400lbs.
- Savage Bros. Model C Bowl Lift, 650 lbs. Cap.
- (2) Stainless Coating Pans
- Kushland Products PVC Coating Drum
4 Images in this Gallery
Packaging Equipment
- Fuji Model CX-Wrapper II Horizontal Flow Wrapper, Markem 9840 printer
- Ameripak series 60 Horizontal Flow Wrapper
- ITALDIBIPACK 24″ wide L-Bar Sealer, Shrink Tunnel
- Heat Seal Model HS-115T L-Ba Sealer with Shrink Tunnel
- Arpak Vision Model VT122248 Shrink Tunnel
- (2019) Zhejiang Fengmin Model FM-FX500C Top and Bottom Case Taper
10 Images in this Gallery
Bread and Pastry Production
- Oscar Lucks Model SR Stainless Proofer
- (2015) Rondo Manomat Type SS0675 Reversable Stainless Sheeter
- Hinds-Bock Muffin Depositor, Air Piston Transfer Pump
- Thunderbird ARM-02N, 20 qt. Mixer
- 20 qt. to 140 qt. Mixer Bowls, Whisks and Paddle Attachments
- Berkel and Oliver Bread Slicers
- Over 2500 Bunt Cake, Muffin and Bread Pans
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Cake Cutters and Decorating
- (2010) Food Tools Model SC1FP Cheesecake Slicer/Pie Portioner
- Food Tools Model Accuslice ACS-100BC-26 Table Topo Biscotti Cutter
- Food Tools Model CS-2ADFG Cheesecake Slicer/Pie Portioner
- HERO 2000 series Colorant Dispenser 14 Canister stations
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Material Handling
- Genie Model SL10HD 1000 lbs. cap. Material Lift
- Forklift Manlift Safety Cage
- Power Designer Model PCIHF-10kW-48V-480 VAC Battery Charger
General Information
For more information, please contact:
Keith Rottman | 415.254.9247