Craft Beer Brewing Company and Their 1000 Kegs

Anyone that’s been to a fraternity party in college—or even some house parties in high school—will be familiar with kegs. At our upcoming Black Diamond Brewing Company auction on April 19th, we’re featuring over a thousand kegs for sale in small to medium sized groups: 500 half barrel kegs, which hold 15.5 gallons, and 600 sixth barrel kegs, which hold 5.16 gallons. In addition to kegs, we’ll also be featuring a lot of souvenir mixing glasses and souvenir sports mugs, beer dispensing accessories, and tap handles. A bar tap beer station with eight tap faucets and tap handles will be for sale, for anyone interested in opening up a bar in their home or business. But my personal favorite item, and the one I’ll be keeping a close eye on, are the ten lots of home beer draft systems, manufactured by Krups under the model name Sub. All of these home draft systems are brand new, sealed inside the box and retail for just shy of $200 each online. With an opening bid of $10, who knows what they’ll bring? They could be yours for the taking.
It’s always nice when we have auctions where there are a few items that “regular” people will be interested in to take home and use themselves. The real question, however, is if any of the fraternities in Bay Area based universities will catch wind of this auction and bid on some of these kegs. If you know any, let them know!
The Black Diamond Brewing Company online auction opens on Thursday, April 12th, and begins closing a week later on April 19th. The facility will be open for inspection on Wednesday, April 18th from 9 AM to 4 PM or earlier by appointment. Don’t miss out!