Navigating the Road Ahead

2020 has been a year of unprecedented trials and tribulations, with economic uncertainty and social unrest culminating in a way not seen in a generation. From the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen small- and large-scale businesses work to adapt and make constant adjustments to keep the doors open. Uncertainty about what lies is something we all will be living with for the foreseeable future, with a road filled with changes along the way.
Even in a healthy economic life cycle, businesses downsize, consolidate or close on a regular basis. Whether you are looking to scale down operations or liquidate assets in order to start something new, we can assist. For decades Rabin has offered end-to-end services for asset monetization and real estate repositioning and redevelopment.
Deciding to cease operations or do a partial liquidation of assets can be both emotionally and logistically challenging, with many moving parts. Our team is available to work with you directly, go through the different options that are available, and decide which of our services works best for you. We can buy both equipment and real-estate outright, do equipment sales on a commission basis, or offer a guarantee. Our know-how and experience can help businesses of almost any size navigate the process of liquidating surplus assets or entire facilities.
Since the stay-at-home orders were announced for most cities, we at Rabin have been finding new ways to meet the needs of our clients. We have placed an increased emphasis on staying local by reigniting relationships with nearby contacts, and we are constantly exploring new ways to provide our services to companies across the country. From performing desktop appraisals for national clients or taking road trips to conduct auctions, we are here and ever adapting.
Whether it be the closing a small brewery in Oakland or liquidating surplus equipment at a large food production plant in rural Virginia, Rabin can be there for you in every step of the way. Please contact us at or by phone at 415.522.5700 to learn more and discuss which option would be best for you.