Hot Dog Production, Blending, Grinding & Packaging - Rabin Worldwide


Hot Dog Production, Blending, Grinding & Packaging

  • Chicago, Illinois
  • Rabin Live - OnSite & Online

Hot Dog Production, Blending, Grinding & Packaging

formerly Best Kosher

Wolfking vacuum paddle blenders
Wolfking self feeding grinder
(4) Vemag vacuum stuffers
(4) Townsend smart linkers
(2) A-One Workhorse bulk loader screw conveyors
(3) A-One Workhorse stainless vat dumpers
A-One Workhorse salting drum
(4) Multivac rollstock vacuum packagers
Poly-Clip clipper chub machine
Globus vacuum tumbler system
Drake hot dog loader
(2) Loma Superscan inline pipeline metal detectors
Fortress metal detector
Custom stainless portable screw conveyor
Tipper Tie Stuff-N-Clip
Busch vacuum pump
(2) Loma metal detectors
(300) stainless vats
(150) half vats
(75) 600 lb Vemag buckets
Griffith emulsifier
(10) Interlox belt conveyors
Complete kosher salting line

In association with
Barliant Auctions

Tuesday, September 15th
Starting at 10:00 a.m.

To be sold by catalog, video & online at
Best Kosher Facility
1000 West Pershing Rd
Chicago, Illinois 60609


Monday, September 14th
from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
To make an earlier appointment,
please contact Eric Weiler at Loeb 1.773.548.4131

Contact Information.
Rabin Worldwide
650 Townsend Street Suite 480
San Francisco, CA 94103

Tel: 1.800.421.2144
Fax: 1.415.522.5701