Formerly of Great Basin Brewery Company
Reno, NV
Sale Includes:
- 30 BBL 3-vessel Brewhouse
- Fermenters & Brite Tanks
- Hot Liquor Tank
- Bottling Line
- Walk-in-Cooler
Inspection by Appointment Only

4 Images in Gallery
- 30 BBL 3 vessel Brewhouse, with PBST Mash Tun, and Wort Receiver, Boil Kettle
- 40 BBL Hot Liquor Tank 3500 lbs Grist Case. Pumps, Control Panel, Platform
- RMS Grain Mill
- (2) Grain Silos
6 Images in Gallery
Fermenters and Brite Tanks
- PBST Beer 30 BBL Jacketed Fermenter Tank with blow off hose
- (3) PBST Beer 60 BBL Jacketed Fermenter Tanks with blow off hoses
- (7) Silver State Stainless 120 BBL Jacketed Fermenter Tanks with blow off arms
- PBST Beer 60 BBL Stainless Steel Jacketed Brite Tank
- JBF Stainless 120 BBL Stainless Steel Jacketed Brite Tank
- Silver State Stainless 120 BBL Stainless Steel Jacketed Brite Tank
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Bottling Line
- GAI Complete Bottling Line
- GAI 5003-BIER Filler
- GAI 6080E Labeler
3 Images in Gallery
Facility & Refrigeration Equipment
- Atlas Copco Air Compressor GX4
- G&D Glycol Chiller GD-54H
- Regent 47’ x 23’ x 16’ H, walk-in cooler
4 Images in Gallery
Material Handling
- (25 +) Pallet Racking Sections
- (30+) Double Barrel Racks
- Dorsey 48’ Semi Bed Trailer
- GS-19 Scissor Lift
Load More
General Information
For more information contact:
Randy Small | randy.small@rabin.com | 909.969.1898
Equipment Located at:
1155 S. Rock Blvd
Reno, NV 89501
Golden Bear Services
Robert Barkhordar - Robert@goldenbearservices.com
Cell: 949.279.6010