Surplus to the needs of Juul Labs
Mountain View, CA
At this sale:
- In-Vitro Toxicology System
- Industrial Robots with Auto-Soldering Units
- New Test and Measurement Equipment
- New Laboratory Equipment
Inspection by Appointment Only
825 E Middlefield, Mountain View, CA 94043

Featured Items
3 Images in Gallery
In Vitro Toxicology Systems
- Vitrocell Systems 12/12 Climatic Chamber In Vitro Toxicology
- Vitrocell Systems Rack with (4) AMES 4 and (1) AMES 3 Exposure Modules
6 Images in Gallery
Industrial Robots and Auto-Soldering Systems
- (3) Omron Adept COBRA 450 Robots with eMB-40M Controllers
- (2) Omron Adept COBRA 650 Robots with eMB-40M Controllers
- Omron Adept VIPER 650 Robot
- (6) Hakko FU-500 Intelligent Solder Feeders
- (4) Hakko FU-600 Robotic Integration Soldering Modules
5 Images in Gallery
Test and Measurement Instruments
- Instron CEAST MF20 Versatile Melt Flow Tester with Manual Mass Selector
- Instron HV3S HDT and Vicat Tester
- New Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 3 Real-Time PCR Instrument
- New Luminex 100/200 Analyzer with SD and XYP Units
- 908devices G908 High-Pressure Mass Spec. and GC Analyzer
- Instek Electronic Load, Keysight Prog. Power Supplies, Keithley Source Measure Units, Keysight Digital Multimeter
8 Images in Gallery
Laboratory Equipment
- New Thermo Scientific Heratherm IGS180 Incubator
- (2) Thermo Scientific 4CF Gravity Convection Incubators
- New Thermo Scientific MultiDrop Combi Microplate Dispenser
- New Chart MVE CRYOSYSTEM 2000 Cryopreservation Chamber
- New Thermo Scientific MaxQ 6000 Stackable Shaker
- Labconco FreeZone 4.5L – 105C Benchtop Freeze Dryer
- New Eppendorf 5810R Centrifuge
4 Images in Gallery
Power Supplies, Source Measure Units, and Multimeter
- Instek PEL-3031E DC Electronic Load
- (2) Keysight E36313A Triple Output Programmable DC Power Supplies
- (2) Keithley 2460 SourceMeter Source Measure Units
- Keysight 34461A 6.5 Digit Multimeter
Load More
General Information
For more information contact
Ivan Almanzor | ivan.almanzor@rabin.com | m +1.415.488.7848
Located at
825 E Middlefield
Mountain View, CA 94043