Special Offering of
Surplus Food Processing & Packaging Machinery
Hood River OR | Memphis, TN | Centerbook, CT
At this Sale:
- Rotary Glass Bottling line
- Over 200,000 Glass Bottles
- Compressor
- Case Packer, Sleever,
- Stretch Wrapper, Palletizer
- Stainless Fermenters, Brites, Tanks and Kettles
Expo auction with equipment located in multiple locations.
Hood River, OR | Memphis, TN | Centerbook, CT | Lodi, CA | Brisbane, CA

Featured Items
9 Images in Gallery
- GlassPak 33 – Rotary Glass Automatic Monoblock Beer Bottling Line
- Serpa Case Packer Model P220
- Serpa Sleever Model 20000WA
- Cousins Stretch Wrapper Model 3300-CTA
- Lorenz Pan Palletizer Model Eupopal 49/20, 5-600.10p
- Yamato Dataweigh 14 Head Scale Model ADW-414SNX
- Bartelt Horizontal Form, Fill and Seal Machine Model IM7-14
- Sesotec Raycon X-Ray Foreign Detection System Model 130/240
- Goring Kerr Model DSP-2 Metal Detector with integrated Ishida Checkweigher
- Liquid Packaging Solutions 12-Bottle Automatic Air Rinser
8 Images in Gallery
Stainless Brite & Fermentation Tanks
- (2) 40 BBL Stainless Fermenters (NEW)
- (2) The Pub Brewing Co. 25BBL, stainless fermenters
- (4) JVNW 25 BBL, stainless Brite tanks
- (2) JVNW 50 BBL stainless Brite tanks
- (4) The Pub Brewing Co. 25 BBL stainless Brite tanks
- 1,500 gal. Hot Wort Tank
4 Images in Gallery
Food Processing
- (2) Robot Coupe 60-Quart Vertical Cutter Mixers Model RSI60
- (8) Urschel, Eillert Carruthers Comitrol & Dicers
- Eillert Dicing Machine Type BL 1000 VAR
- Grote model SA530 pendulum meat slicer
- CapPlus V-Type Mixer Model CPT-3CF
- Stainless Blanchers and Cookers
- Stainless Disc and Basket Centrifuges
- Stainless Coating Pans, 64″ and 66″ Diameter
- Handtmann HVF-90 vacuum stuffer/filler
- Handtmann PX94 whole muscle portioner
- Waukesha Positive Displacement Pump Model 220U2 with Washdown Motor
- Viking Positive Displacement Pump Model S3M with Washdown Motor
- (2) AMPCO Stainless Centrifugal Pumps with 30 and 40 HP Motors
- (2) Grundfos High Pressure Water Pumps Model CR3 and CR5
- Interpump Group High Pressure Wash Down Pump Model W8
6 Images in Gallery
Stainless Tanks & Kettles
- Over (35) Stainless Steam Jacketed Kettles, 20-200 Gallon Capacity
- (9) Stainless Tanks to 3,000 gal.
- 1,000 Gallon Stainless Steel Prewash Tank
3 Images in Gallery
Bakery & Equipment
- (4) Dough Mixers, (1) 200lb and (3) 200kg Capacity
- (3) Werner and Pfleiderer & Sottoriva Dough Dividers
- Aaron Process vacuum drying sigma mixer
- Bakery Equipmewnt, Sottoriva & Pietro Spiral Dough Mixers
- CapPlus Model CPT-3CF, 3 cubic feet twin shell mixer
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General Information
For more information contact
Randy Small | 909.696.1898 | randy.small@rabin.com
Keith Rottman | 415.248.2007 | keith.rottman@rabin.com