Surplus to the needs of Apple Valley Foods
1118 Main Street N, Austin, MN 55912
Online in Real Time Auction
Wednesday, October 23rd
starting at 11:00 am CST
Inspection on Monday & Tuesday
October 21st & 22nd
from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm daily

Sale Highlights
Kettles, Cookers & Process Equipment
- (6) Lee 300 & 500 gallon full sweep kettles
- (2) Breddo 150 & 300 gallon liquifying systems
- Chester Jensen 800 gall full sweep cooker coolers
- Lyco 12’ rotary blancher with mobile dryer extension
- APV and Cherry Burrell scrape surface heat exchangers
- Kettle decks with Waukesha positive displacement pumps
Form, Fill & Seal Multi Product Bagging Dept.
- (2) Triangle washdown baggers, model A918SHF2
- (4) Triangle model A918SHF2 multi-head weighers
- (8) Kleenline 19.5’ bucket elevators (four per bagger)
- Complete stainless wash down packaging platform
- Markem Imaje Smart Date 5 coders; AB Panel-view controls
- Wide assortment of Triangle forming tubes for multiple products
Packaging Machinery
- Prodo Pak single serve FF&S machine, model 601CW8
- Davis Douglas model Apex sleeve packaging machine
- Goring Kerr, Safeline & Loma metal detectors
- Little David LD4U2 and Belcor 252 case sealers
- Mondini CVST tray sealer; Bradman Lake case erector
- Meyer stainless Z bucket elevators for multi-head weighers
Production Support Equipment
- Includes: Northfield spiral freezer, emulsifier, vibratory feeders, labelers Inkjet printers, pallet wrappers & material handling equipment
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General Information
Apple Valley Foods
1118 Main Street N
Austin, MN 55912
For more information, please contact
Clayton Apo – 920.251.0241
Rabin Worldwide – 415.522.5700
CJ Crane Service
Stephanie Dugan - stephanie@cjrigging.com or sgolb75444@aol.com
Cell: 910.478.6096