Haas Machining Centers & Robotic Assembly Units
Formerly of Giant AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Glendale, CA
Design Concept of Giant AI
Developer of a unique class of intelligent and expensive robotic workstations designed to work alongside or supplement human workers for low skill manual labor.
COVID-19 Update
For health and safety of our staff and clients, and to prevent the spread of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and all subsequent variants, inspections and removal of items after the sale will be by appointment only.

9 Images in Gallery
2020 Haas VF-4SS Super Speed Vertical Machining Centers
(3) Haas VF-4SS Super Speed vertical machining centers, purchased new in 2020, 12,000 rpm, inline direct drive spindle, side mount tool changer, 30+1 tool capacity, air blast 55 gallons cooling tank touch screen control with M-Code media display, ethernet interface/remote monitoring capability, 50″ x 20″ x 25″3 axis travels, 1400 lpm, xy and z rapids, 220v, 3ph/50/60hz, 70amps/65amps full/largest amps load, with 6″ fixed jaw flange type machining vises, plus Renishaw CNC machining camera
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Machine Tools & Fabricating Equipment (most new in 2020)
- Sharpe Industries LMV series vertical milling machine & model 1440V precision lathe
- Carl Zeiss Duramax coordinate measuring machine; AmScope WFI-10x/20 microscope
- G Weike Tech PS-48 full spectrum laser cutter, model FSL-1290 with chiller package
- Sandstorm Professional Series sandblaster; plus JL482P pneumatic tapping drill
- Bliss 35 ton punch-stamping press, model C35; Jet bandsaw and double end grinders
- Ridgid-Dewalt table and circular saws, Dayton sander combos, inspection instruments
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Universal Robotic Assembly Units
Giant AI’s goal was the creation of robotic assembly units to provide low skill assembly labor. The auction will include the Giant family of robotic bodies complete with on board computer systems for applying artificial intelligence control functions. Where the Glendale location is a full service machining facility, Giant’s test and assembly operation was conducted in Northern California, which was complete with test & assembly stations (now located at the Glendale facility)
10 Images in Gallery
General Plant & Office Furnishings (partial listing)
- Toyota 4800 lb LPG forklift, model 8FGCU20, 3 stage mast and side shifter
- Raised 3D polymer 3D printer; Mobile robotic telepresence unit with charge port
- Marathon air brush paint booth; Roughneck lift tables; plus pallet & metro racking
- Wide assortment of robotic automation components plus maintenance spares
- Republic of Gamers Maximus XII motherboard with NIVIDA GPU & RM1000X
- Starcraft server rack, Lenovo laptops, Dell 34″ monitors, plus elevating work stations
General Information
Equipment Location:
630 Justin Avenue, Glendale, CA 91201
Lots Start closing on Wed, Sept 7th at 10 AM
Auction Info and Inspection contact:
HaZel Tria • 415.248.2014 • hazel.tria@rabin.com
Equipment Info contact:
Ronnie Angeles • 415.999.0863 • ronnie.angeles@rabin.com
General Auction Inquiries contact:
Keith Rottman • 415.248.2007 • keith.rottman@rabin.com