Complete Facility of Gourmet Prepared Meals
Formerly of Huxtable’s Kitchen, Inc.
Gourmet Prepared Foods Facility
Formerly of Huxtable’s Kitchen, Inc.
Sale Highlights
Cooking Area Equipment
- DCI 500 gallon cooker cooler
- (3) Chester Jensen cooker coolers
- (10) Lee & Groen kettles to 350 gallon
- Additional kettles located in Atlanta
Ribbon Blenders & Mixers
- FPEC double ribbon blenders
- Amfec double paddle blender
- Koch & Hollymatic ribbon blenders
- Hobart 140 qt mixers
Dicers, Slicers & Cutters
- 2013 Urschel Diversacut dicer
- Urschel HA & GX-A dicers
- Carruthers & Bettcher slicers
- Hobart 8181 cutter chopper
Meat Processing
- 2010 Metalbud vacuum tumbler
- Lance LT-30 vacuum tumbler
- Vemag, Risco & Reiser stuffers
- Heat & Control brander / Stein breader
Freezing, Chilling & Baking
- 2013 Irinox double rack blast freezer
- Tucs 3 lane linear immersion chiller
- (10) LBC & Lucs double rack bake ovens
- (6) Baxter double rack bake ovens
Packaging Machines & Support
- 2015 Pack Line 2 head cup filler/sealer
- Cryovac, Repak & Tucs FF&S machines
- Proseal, Ross & Kalfass tray sealers
- Metal detectors, ink jets & case sealers
Facility & Support Equipment
- Clean Tech “Gas Energy Mixing” system
- Ingersoll Rand compressed air system
- Busch vacuum pumps, Mckenna boiler
- Material handling equipment
Live and online auction Thursday, September 8, starting at 9:00 a.m.
Inspections available by appointment.
Register at BidSpotter here
Contact Information.
For more information and registration, please contact Harry Davis at 412.765.1170