Candy Manufacturing Equipment
of MasterFoods South Africa
This auction will be conducted online only.
Bids can be placed now through May 26th.
A link will be provided as to where your bids can be placed.
Please note: All items will be auctioned without reserves. However, there will be a ‘Buy It Now’ option available so that the item can be purchased immediately for the set price.
Closing Times & Automatic Extension: Items close sequentially in lot number order – 2 minutes apart – and will end at different times throughout the day starting at 8 am PDT, May 26. Whenever a bid is placed within the last 5 minutes of an item’s closing time, the closing time of that item is automatically extended an additional 5 minutes.
Now available for on site viewing. Call to schedule an appointment. Contact David Mann at +44 780 806 8067
Master Foods South Africa
18 Signal Crescent
(Off Station Road)
Montague Gardens,
Milnerton 7441
Cape Town, South Africa
Contact Information.
Rabin Worldwide
298 San Bruno Av.
San Francisco, CA 94103
Tel: 1.800.421.2144
Fax: 1.415.522.5701
Email: info@rabin.com