Plus Conventional Power House Systems
The following co-generation system and conventional power assets are all part of the massive Campbell Soup plant closure, all of which will become available in May 2019. The 2014 installed co-gen installation to be offered subject to terms acceptable to Campbells.
Live and Online
Wednesday, September 18th
starting at 9:00 am EST

Sale Highlights:
Turbine Generator System
- Solar Taurus 50 industrial natural gas turbine generator of 4.5MW output
- Cleaver Brooks heat recovery steam generator designed for 27,000 lb/hr steam from turbine exhaust plus auxiliary natural gas firing to 90,000 lb/hr steam
- Emmerson fuel gas booster compressor supplying 350 psig required by turbine operation
Associated Electrical
- High voltage (27.6 kV) electrical switchgear
- High voltage (13.8 kV) generator switchgear
- Step-up transformer (13.8 kV to 27.6 kV) for matching generator output to incoming hydro supply
Instrumentation & Controls
- Supervisory PLC Co-Gen control system
- Turbine/Generator control & synchronization system
- Auxiliary natural gas firing PLC control system
Conventional Power House Systems
- Cleaver Brooks & Foster Wheeler package boilers
- Durpro reverse osmosis systems
- Atlas Copco 400 hp compressed air system
- Late model Vilter refrigeration compressors
- Berg chiller skids with tower water packages
- Marley & BAC cooling towers
- GE water treatment system
- Condensing economizer boiler stack
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Featured Video
Available for Sale: Solar Turbine
Contact Info:
Campbell’s Soup Plant
60 Birmingham Street, Etobicoke, Ontario, Toronto, Canada M8V 2B8
For more information:
Terrance Jacobs – 905-660-1367 ext. 225

TCL Asset Group Inc.
56 Pennsylvania Ave. #13
Vaughan, Ontario
Canada L4K 3V9