Plus production support equipment
All formerly of the
Verso Paper Mill
Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
Day 3 Highlights
- (100) Goulds 316L Pumps
- (10) Bird Pressure Screens
- (5) Beloit Double Drum Winders
- (12) P&H Bridge Cranes to 55 Ton

Summary of Major Equipment Groups
10 Images in Gallery
Over (130) Centrifugal, Split Case & Vacuum Pumps
- Goulds 316L centrifugal pumps, model 3175, size range to 10 x 12–22
- Nash vacuum pumps, models CL-3004, CL-3002, 904-S2, AHF75-SS and others
- Assorted 316L split case pumps, mostly Goulds, up to 500 hp motors
- Andritz model TSP-mixer pump; IPS Rebuilt thick stock tower pump sets
- Assorted Ahlstrom, Alpha Laval, Sulzer, Summit centrifugal pump sets
- Extensive inventory of stainless pump impellers, casings, gear drives and controls
20 Images in Gallery
Pulp Mill Processing Equipment
- Bird Centrisorter primary & secondary pressure screens, models 200, 800-ST & others
- Impco hard and softwood knotters & drainers; Noss hard & softwood Radiscreens
- Metso & Sunds twin roll wash presses; Escher Wyss RS2B reject sorter system
- Andritz low pressure digester feeders; Complete 4-Stage 316L evaporator system
- Assorted 316L heat exchangers by Alfa Laval and Penn MFG (several uninstalled)
- Complete Ozone floor with (2) HWD & SWD ozone gas compressor systems
20 Images in Gallery
Paper Production Support Equipment
- Beloit/GL&V 150” x 30”, and Beloit Belwind 88” x30” two drum rewinders
- (2) Lenox two drum rewinders; sizes: 150” x 30” and 90” x 30”, and roll wrap system
- Murco (DJ Murry) 80” roll splitter; Voith 316L wet pulpers, assorted sizes & types
- (12) P&H double girder overhead bridge cranes to 55 ton with Bushman roll spreaders
- (10) Sullair TS32 high pressure rotary air compressors, 110 psi, with Zeks air dryers
- PLC transmitters featuring Foxboro type FB1100 I/A series pulp mill control system
General Information
Mill site address
Transportation Center located at
1300 5th Ave N
Wisconsin Rapids, WI, 54495
C R Meyer & Sons Co
Adam Zeka - azeka@crmeyer.com
Cell: 715.401.0204
Andy Firkus - afirkus@crmeyer.com
Cell: 715.347.3396
Fuller Mechanical
Curt Fuller - cfuller@fuller-mechanical.com
Cell: 715-457-5401
Rey Rigging Industrial Inc
Reyes Chavez - Reyrigging@gmail.com
Off: (708) 473-9434
Central Motors
Rick Miller - centralmotorsrigging@gmail.com
Cell: 715-459-9430