For biodegradable packaging products
Formerly operated by
Domtar Inc.
3696 Industrial Road
Chelmsford, Ontario Canada
Facility Highlights
- 2018 Macro Casting Film Line
- Gelimat Compounding System
- Agilent Model 1260 Infinity II HPLC
- Westfaila Solid Bowl Disc Centrifuge
Inspections & COVID-19 Update
We place the utmost importance on the health, safety and wellbeing of our clients, partners, and our employees. In addition to our existing Health and Safety policies, we have enhanced measures to deal with the current situation, within the guidelines of all levels of government and Public Health .
- Inspection of Assets will be conducted by Appointment Only on the date specified.
- All visitors to the site will be expected to maintain proper Social Distancing and will be required to wear a mask and gloves. You must bring your own mask and gloves to the site.
- Pictures and videos of the assets are posted on our website. If you would like to schedule an appointment or have questions about the assets please contact our partner, TCL Asset Group, at 905-660-1367.
For further information please contact our partner, TCL Asset Group, at 905-660-1367 or via email at tjacobs@managingyourassets.com

16 Photos in this Gallery
Select Production Support Equipment
- GEA Westfalia FSE-10-06-077 Solid Bowl Disc Centrifuge,model FSE-10-06-077, new in 2020
- Kason Vibrating Screen Sifter, model K30-2-SS, s/n M-12400, new in 2020 (still in crate)
- Kek Gardner model M305 mobile kibbler mill with HD VFD controller (new 2019)
- Like new Trane 30-ton package chiller unit plus Donaldson Torit dust collection system
- Twin Tank CIP skid complete with Grundfos vertical pumps & ProMinent metering assemblies
- Agilent model 1260 Infinity II HPLC system complete with HP Z2 PC, manuals and tool kit
16 Photos in this Gallery
Cast Film Production Area
2018 Macro Single Layer Casting Film Line consisting of: Macro 30” wide cast roll unit with twin screw extruder feed adapter, Maag Extrex EX 32-6 gear pump, Allied 650MM Duraflex ALH-40 sheet die, (2) Macro 30″ wide surface and trim winder units, all controlled by Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus controller, VFD’s and Allen Bradley PLC components.
Sterling 4-1/2″ Single Screw Extruder. 24 to 1 L/D approx. ratio, 3 zone water cooled non-vented barrel, 150hp, 550 volt DC motor with 17.5 to 1 reducer ratio. Complete with Bardec drive and Omron temperature controllers
16 Items in this Gallery
Grinding-Blending-Compounding System
2006 Installation featuring a Draiswerke Gelimat Thermokinetic Compounding Machine,
Model G-25 S, nominal volume of 25 liter, 20 lb. batch size, jacketed clam shell design chamber
with cored mixing paddles, powered by 322 kw, 3/60/575 volt, 1787 rpm motor.
Feed and Blending Components include Vecoplan RG-32-20 hp rotary grinder, Brabender
pulp feeder assembly, 3-station Colortronic multi dose color feeding system, Kek Gardner
model M305 mobile kibbler mill (discharge end of compounder), plus shared PLC control rack for entire system
General Plant - Raw Materials
- Lab instruments of moisture analyzers, viscometers, refractometers, ovens and scales
- Ingersoll Rand vertical tank mounted air compressors, models TS4N5 & SS5L5
- Wide assortment of power tools, safety equipment, platform scales, ladders & fans
- Building and installation materials included copper wire, transformers, unused lumber
- Large Quantity of raw materials including polymers, polyethylene, glycerine and reagents
- (6) 40 ft Sea-land storage containers, heavy duty racking, Husky storage cabinets and more
General Information
For auction and inspection information please contact our partner, TCL Asset Group
at 905-660-1367 or via email at tjacobs@managingyourassets.com