Laser Cutting Facility
Thaiser Tecnologia y Laser S.L.
Bidding for this auction will be held online with our Spanish partner, IAG.
Click here to go to their website for registration and information.
Trumpf Lasercell Mn: 1005 5,000 watt, type TCC, new 2001
Trumpf Trumatic Mn: 3030 3,200 watt, new 2002
Trumpf Tubematic Mn: TLF2700 2,700 watt, An: A004A0078, new 2002
Adige Tube Mn: LT652B
Trumpf Mn: V130 CNC brake, 300 CM/130 ton, new 2002, CNC back gauge
Trumpf Mn: V50 brake, 125 CM/50 ton, new 2002, CNC back gauge
Pipe Benders
Tejero Mn: HR-42-CNC CNC pipe bender, Sn: 125, new 2005
Tejero Mn: M80-OP pipe bender, Sn: 128, new 1998
Welding Cells
Motofil Robotic 6 welding cell Mn: Type Mono U with Promis weld source, new 2004
Motofil Robotic 8 welding cell Mn: Type Mono B with Promis weld source, new 2004
Welding Rolls and Iron Workers
Geha Mn: 55/S hydraulic iron worker
6 pyramid roll
Variable speed drill presses; spot welders, band saws
(60) sections cantilever rack pallet rack
30 X 20 mezzanine assorted structural steel, tube and bend stock
GH 10 ton double girder bridge crane
(4) GH 6.3 ton double girder bridge crane
(2) GH 2 ton overhead jib crane
Rolling Stock
(2) Mitsubishi 3,500# Diesel forklifts
Renault D65 minivan
Fiat flatbed truck
In association with Capital Recovery Group & Industrial Auction Group
Online auction begins September 29 at 12:01 am Spain Time
Lots will begin closing on October 4 starting at 3:00 pm Spain Time
Equipment located at
Calle Harrikruz 15 – 17, Salvatierra (Agurain), Álava (Spain)
By appointment only. Call us for an appointment.
Contact Information.
Rabin Worldwide
731 Sansome Street, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111, USA
Tel: 1.800.421.2144,
Fax: 1.415.522.5701
Email: info@rabin.com