Heavy Mobile Equipment and Vehicles
180 Pieces of Heavy Mobile Equipment & Vehicles
Advance Notice of Sale
(180) pieces of heavy mobile equipment and vehicles:
o Cat dozers and tracked loaders
o Excavators and compaction rollers
o Wheel loaders and loader-backhoes
o Caterpillar graders and motor scrapers
o Hydraulic truck cranes and log skidders
o Mack dump trucks, tractors & transports
o Light duty flatbeds, pickup trucks and SUV’s
o Assorted portable equipment and attachments
Recent projects of note included University of Virginia Wilsdorf Hall expansion, the Alderman Road sanitary water system project; along with the James Madison University CISAT – Stadium Park sewer collection and disposal system.
Live & online auction on Tuesday, March 8.
Inspections available Monday, March 7 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., or otherwise by appointment.
Contact Information.
For equipment questions, contact Rick Hope at rick.hope@rabin.com.